Session 1 (14:00 - 15:30)

Welcome and Introduction (5 mins)

Overview of the Lab (25 mins, including questions)

QuantumCLEF 2024: Overview of the Quantum Computing Challenge for Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems at CLEF

Andrea Pasin, Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema, Paolo Cremonesi and Nicola Ferro

14:05 - 14:30

Keynote (40 mins, including questions)

Basic Notions of Quantum Computing, Gate Model and Quantum Annealing

Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema and Paolo Cremonesi

14:30 - 15:10

Participant presentations (20 mins, including questions)

Team OpenWebSearch at CLEF 2024: QuantumCLEF

Maik Fröbe, Daria Alexander, Gijs Hendriksen, Ferdinand Schlatt, Matthias Hagen and Martin Potthast

15:10 - 15:30

Coffee break (60 mins)

Session 2 (16:30 - 18:00)

Participant presentations (20 mins, including questions)

CRUISE on Quantum Computing for Feature Selection in Recommender Systems

Jiayang Niu, Jie Li, Ke Deng and Yongli Ren

16:30 - 16:50

Towards a hyperparameter-free QUBO formulation for feature selection in IR

Tiago Almeida, Sérgio Matos

16:50 - 17:10

Discussion, future prospects and closing (30 mins)