Topics and Goals

The field of Quantum Computing (QC) has gained significant popularity in recent years, due to its potential to provide benefits in terms of efficiency and effectiveness when employed to solve certain computationally intensive tasks. In both Information Retrieval (IR) and Recommender Systems (RS) we are required to build methods that apply complex processing on large and heterogeneous datasets, it is natural therefore to wonder whether QC could also be applied to boost their performance. The tutorial aims to provide first an introduction to QC for an audience that is not familiar with the technology, then to show how to apply the QC paradigm of Quantum Annealing (QA) to solve practical problems that are currently faced by IR and RS systems. During the tutorial, participants will be provided with the fundamentals required to understand QC and to apply it in practice by using a real D-Wave quantum annealer through APIs.


The tutorial will be divided into 4 parts, starting from the theoretical aspects of QC, QA and the QUBO problem formulation. There will be a practical part where participants will be invited to code and solve a few selected problems using quantum annealers.

Part 1: QC Foundations (40 min)

The first part consists of a gentle introduction to QC, showing its potential benefits as well as its limitations. We will also delve into the QA paradigm, trying to explain the difference between classical and quantum computation and dispelling some QC-related myths. It includes:

  • an overview and basic understanding of QC and its potential benefits;
  • a basic understanding of Quantum Circuit and Quantum Adiabatic models;
  • relations between the classical optimizations meta-heuristics Simulated Annealing and Quantum Annealing with the Quantum Adiabatic model;
  • the evolution of a quantum system to a state of minimal energy;
  • how to represent the energy configuration of a quantum system (i.e., Hamiltonian) using the Ising model;
  • the similarity between the Ising model and the QUBO representation for optimizing (NP-hard) problems.

Part 2: QUBO Formulation (50 min)

This part will show how to represent classical binary optimization problems in QUBO formulation. In particular, it will explain how to write NP-complete binary decision problems (e.g., number partitioning) and NP-hard binary optimization problems (e.g., quadratic assignment) in QUBO formulation, describing constraints and loss functions.

Part 3: QC for IR and RS and their Evaluation (30 min)

This part will introduce IR and RS problems which can be solved by using QA , namely Feature Selection, Clustering and Model Boosting. Moreover, we will discuss how to evaluate such QA algorithms from both the efficiency and effectiveness point of view. Finally, it will introduce the QuantumCLEF lab and present the lessons learned from it.

Part 4: Hands-on (60 min)

This part discusses how to use quantum annealers, which are available as a cloud service. It involves

  • the architecture and topology of a quantum annealer;
  • how to use the QUBO formulation of a problem to program the quantum annealer via Minor Embedding;
  • how the density of the QUBO problem impacts the number of variables required on the quantum annealer;
  • how to program a quantum annealer and read the result (hands-on);
  • Feature Selection and Clustering(hands-on);
  • execution and evaluation of one of the above algorithms on the QuantumCLEF infrastructure (hands-on).

Target Audience

The intended audience for this tutorial are researchers and practitioners coming from Information Retrieval (IR) and Recommender Systems (RS), as well as from other fields, such as Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Big Data, Operations Research, and Optimization. In fact, QC and QA are powerful tools that can be applied to tackle problems in many different domains. Furthermore, while the practical part of the tutorial is focused on how to use QA for IR and RS, the problems we consider are quite general and have wide application to different research areas

  • Targeted audience: Due to the topic's novelty, the target audience is of researchers and industry practitioners mainly belonging to IR and RS.
  • Prerequisite knowledge: This tutorial will be self-contained and has minimal prerequisite knowledge, mainly consisting of being familiar with the basic concepts of IR and RS. For those interested in the hands-on part, basic Python programming skills are required to interact with quantum annealers through the tools provided by D-Wave but no specific knowledge of the D-Wave API is required ahead.


Here you can find the slides used during the tutorial: